What is a Safe Active Street (SAS)?

    The Safe Active Street (SAS) program seeks to provide a low speed, shared environment for people of all ages to cycle and walk safely and comfortably. It is a Department of Transport initiative, developed in partnership with local government.

    Why was this route selected?

    When developing the City’s Bike Plan 2021-2025, the route along Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road was identified as a popular cycle route for local residents and school students. The route provides a connection to two schools, Shenton Park train station, Lake Jualbup, and Kings Park. Based on this, as well as existing streetscape characteristics, the route was seen as suitable for an SAS which would provide benefits to the community.

    How will the Safe Active Street benefit cyclists, pedestrians and other road users?

    The reduced traffic speed, road markings and traffic calming infrastructure will create a more attractive and safe environment for cyclists and pedestrians to use the road safely alongside motorists and other road users.

    The proposed road treatments will also serve to address speeding concerns that have been raised by the community, particularly along the Keightley Road portion of the route

    How will the speed limit be reduced to 30km/h?

    The City will obtain approval from Main Roads WA to reduce the legal speed limit to 30km/h. The proposed road treatments will be designed in a way that encourages motorists to drive more slowly along these streets and adhere to the reduced speed limit.

    Have Safe Active Streets been effective in other locations?

    Safe Active Street projects in other locations have led to increased cycling and pedestrian activity, while reducing overall vehicle traffic volumes and speed. In particular, there has been a noted increase in riding to/from schools, which can lead to a more active and healthy lifestyle for students, families and children.

    Will my driveway or verge be affected?

    The two design idea options do not propose any reduction in verges or relocation of private driveways. Some kerbing and/or drainage works may be undertaken, but this will not reduce the size or location of verges nor affect private driveway access.

    Will street trees be affected?

    No existing street trees will be removed as part of this proposal. There may be opportunity for additional planting of vegetation as part of traffic calming infrastructure.

    Will street parking be affected?

    Street parking will be retained where possible, as street parking on local roads often provides an informal traffic calming effect. The City will also ensure that parking availability to Lake Jualbup is retained. However, depending on the types of road treatments chosen, it is likely that there will be a small reduction in the amount of available street parking in order to install traffic calming infrastructure.

    Will the road width be narrowed?

    While some Safe Active Street projects in other locations have included a reduction in road width to under 5m, this is not the intention for this route. There may be reductions to a single lane width as part of chosen infrastructure treatments, however this would only be in small sections rather than along the entire route.

    Will lighting and drainage be considered as part of the works?

    Yes. Lighting and drainage upgrades will be included as part of the project where necessary, and this will be identified as part of the detailed design stage of the project.

    Will works impact on Lake Jualbup?

    The feasibility study identified the potential to continue the route through Lake Jualbup reserve rather than along Evans Street to the south of the reserve. However, due to the status of the reserve as an area of Aboriginal significance, as well as the proximity of existing trees, the logistics of gaining approval for any additional infrastructure did not make this option viable.

    How will this project impact surrounding streets?

    Any proposed intersection treatments will be assessed on their potential impact on surrounding streets during the development of the concept design.

    What will happen after consultation?

    All feedback gathered will be collated into a report to inform the direction of the concept design. The design will then be referred to relevant local and State Government stakeholders. If supported by these stakeholders, the City will undertake further community consultation on the concept design, and seek Council approval before allocating funding for a detailed design and any future construction.

    The City wishes to make clear that there is no Council decision or budget allocation to construct a Safe Active Street for Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road at this time (February 2022).